Simplify the planning in your life with our online booking systems

Let's get started Parents click here

We work with the educational sector to simplify their planning and generate better results by improving the communication between teachers, students and parents

Murray Collingwood, CEO at SOBS
Resource Booking

Deliver a booking process to ensure that all staff have equal opportunity to access school resources, while also ensuring the resources are efficiently utilised.

Parent Booking

Designed for simplicity, the application provides various booking options for parents including: regular parent/teacher interviews, enrolment interviews, volunteer bookings, and others.

School Notices

Transform your school notices using the next generation of automation. Targeted notices for groups, classes, or individual students will help improve the efficient communication of events impacting your school.

Detention System

Assisting your school to foster positive attitudes, recording the exceptions, scheduling the consequences and following up the outcome.

Student Attendance

Assisting your school to execute your duty of care in an efficient and reliable manner. Monitoring student attendance and escalating student absence procedures.

Permission Slips

Increase parent engagement through the use of instant feedback and surveys. Request parent permission and when necessary elicit a signed paper copy. Includes support for subject, sport and co-curricular selection.

School Calendar

A multi-level calendar providing individualised views for every user. Includes the SPAR (Staff Planned Absence Register) tool for managing staff absence and Professional Development events.


Collect enrolment information electronically, validate online and confirm eligibility. Maintain an orderly waitlist of out-of-catchment applications.

QR Capture

Create your own QR codes to register parents and visitors.

parking 64x6
 Car Parking

Managing and rotating car park allocations for school staff.

No obligations. No contracts.

No obligations.
No contracts.

Just high quality products, services & 24/7 support.


To make your booking you will need a URL supplied by your school

Things to try:

  • Check the school website for a link
  • Check the notice from the school, does it include a link or instructions?
  • Has the school sent you an email with instructions? (Please also check your spam folder)
  • Contact the school

Connections and Standards

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