Parent Booking

Keep it simple

Designed for simplicity, the application provides a number of booking options for parents

Some different booking styles
  • Parents booking with one or more teachers to discuss a child's progress
  • Uniform shop booking - parents book an available time slot with one of the uniform shop staff
  • Enrolment booking - parents book an available time slot with an available staff member
  • Course counselling or SETP interviews - parents book an interview with a pre-selected staff member
  • Volunteer booking allows the parent to book a convenient time to serve at the school fete or sports day
  • Booking seats for an event - either to manage the capcity of the venue or to charge for entry
  • Students booking to meet with a staff member, or for an event
  • Minimal setup - we only require a list of teaching staff to be uploaded in order to configure your first interview round
  • Various option for configuring the level of security required by the school
  • Configure specific dates and times for parent and staff access
  • Allow staff the ability to mark their own unavailability
  • Options to allow for consecutive and asynchronous bookings
  • Booking integrity that extends across all interview rounds
  • Supports shared teaching classes
  • Push requests allow staff to specifically request interviews with parents they want to see
  • Calendar subscription integrates with most desktop calendar applications
  • Ticketing and check-in processing
  • Configure dinner breaks
  • Supports face-to-face, online, and telephone meetings
  • Allows translators to be booked with an interview

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