
Below are a list of options for getting support on our SOBS applications

This is the closest thing we have to documentation.

Please visit to find a collection of help articles. The articles vary between introductory explanations of how things work to precise definitions of how to use a particular feature. Use the 'Search' option, it is the best way to find what you are looking for.

Send us an email at

Be sure to include the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your school
  • The application your question is about
  • Your question or an explanation of the problem. Please be specific. We receive lots of questions like "why isn't the application letting me book a resource" or "why can't I see a notice" however these are not particular helpful and we generally have to ask for more information. If you can't make a booking perhaps tell us the resource you are trying to book for which date and period. If you can't see a notice perhaps mention which notice it is that you can't see and where it is you are looking, is it missing from the online display, your emailed notices, or the public list. Sometimes we know intuitively what you are asking, but sometimes we don't.
  • You might want to include a screen shot. If your booking calendar looks strange it might be easier to include a screen shot rather than trying to describe it all in words

You can call us

  • Australia: +61 7 3175 0575
  • New Zealand: +64 3 928 1699

We will take your calls 24 hours a day. However we do generally enjoy our sleep and other down-time, so please be considerate about the urgency of your problem and the time that you call.

You can't find
your answer?

Contact us