Professional Learning


This application requires the school to also subscribe to the Calendar application. Staff begin the process in the Calendar application where they identify the dates, times and details of the Professional Learning event. Once the event is saved it will initiate the Professional Learning approval process.

Different approvals

There are five different types of approval available, including funding and leave. The funding approval can be broken into multiple entries as funding can come from a number of different sources, including self-funding. The applicant will require approval for the leave (if during term time), and therefore this also involved funding the staff member's cover.

Approval complexity

The applicant may not know the complexity of the approval process, however they will know their Line Manager, and this is the first stop for each application. The Line Manager has the role of determining the approval steps that the application needs to progress. Normally there may be only two or three steps, however the product handles an unlimited number of steps.

Approval flexibility

The approval process can be derailed very easily if one of the steps is declined. Often this could be a funding issue from a particular fund, however there may be other options. In this instance the senior staff member can insert another step in the approval process, effectively sending it to another funding source where there is a likelihood of success. There is no need to resubmit the application, as the approvals steps can be adjusted and re-ordered as necessary.

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